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Moving Beyond Pain
6 months of Group Coaching
Free Yourself From Chronic Pain 

 You deserve to get your life back!
Take control of your healthcare journey, save money and time on unnecessary medical visits, and worry less about pain. 

With the right approach, information and strategies, you can move past the pain and return to your favorite activities.

Finally, arm yourself with up-to-date and accurate knowledge to genuinely comprehend the root of your pain, so that you get the proper treatment & tools.

"Moving Beyond Pain" gives you hope and provides the information you need to turn your life around. 

Start your journey today!

I'm Amy Eicher
your coach & cheerleader

I get it - I've been where you are
Tired of being in pain ALL the time.
Tired of missing out. 
Tired of nothing working, despite doing exactly as you have been told.

Frustrate from countless tests and treatments that never lead to real results?

You may even feel like your medical team has not listened to you, dismissed or given up on you, or worse, gaslit you. 

If you are like most of the people I coach, and myself, you think thoughts you don't really want to admit to anyone else.

Things like:
I would be better off not being here anymore. 
I suck as a mom, wife, daughter, human. 
I am not even living anymore, I am barely existing. 

Have the constant medical failures hindered your confidence in recovering?

Do you feel alone and don’t know where to turn? 

Maybe you aren't really sure there ARE any answers or help. 

Doing the same things over and over and hoping for different results is exhausting! I know, I did it for 20 years!

When what the medical world has to offer doesn't work, it has to be time for a varied approach. 

It's NOT your fault. You did EXACTLY as you were told. YOU didn't fail. Your medical team failed you. It's time to learn new things, try a different approach. 

Join me and shorten your journey. Learn from my 20 plus years of experience and thousands of hours in classes in learning about the lumbo-pelvic hip complex and all things persisting pain.

A whole person Individual Approach, Plan and Hope Starts HERE!


Imagine a world where you wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is yawn and stretch instead of gauging what level your pain already is that day.

Imagine fixing breakfast instead of mentally preparing yourself for how you will navigate your day around how bad you feel.

Imagine going to work or having a leisurely weekend without having the nagging thought at the back of your mind,
 "Will this hurt?"

Imagine actually living your day instead of just existing within it, dictated by your pain.

I wanted to live my life, and dictate it on my own terms.
That's why I created MOVING BEYOND PAIN, to help you do the exact same thing!

Time and Money SaveD
Hi, I'm Amy

I can't even calculate how much time and money I have spent in the last 28 years on medical visits, imaging, physical therapy and endless tools and gurus, not to mention all the classes, books, and education to be able to understand the biology, psychology and sociology of my pain. 

After all the money and time spent, I never moved forward from where I started. I finally had enough and decided to take my life back into my own hands.

You don't have to waste money and time like I did… because this program will walk you through step by step what you need to know  to being in charge of your own pain, exercise and treatment plan.

Introducing Moving Beyond Pain 

Moving Beyond Pain is a 6-month virtual group- coaching program that will educate you on the complexities of chronic pain, teach you how you can manage your pain, help you return to activities, wrangle your nervous system, and show you how to move on to living a life you love. 

  • Investigate your unique journey that creates a path, we will explore that journey for understanding. 
  • ​Reduce suffering and disability through learning the essential information about why we hurt.
  • How to create your own flare plan that does not have to include going to the ER. 
  •  Simple step by step process to start exercising/moving again
  •  Retrain your brain - get rid of thoughts holding you back 
  • Learn the power of “no” and how it will help you reduce your pain. 

Here's what people are saying...

I have a much more clear plan of what I am going to do to help my situation 

Amy has coached me many times throughout my ups and downs concerning my journey with pain. There are so many things/decisions she has helped me with. 

She is...
* Well-educated about pain and how to move beyond it
* Research-oriented
* Great problem-solving skills. 
* Compassionate, full of empathy, kindness and patience. 
* Her personality and sense of humor are awesome. 
* Non-judgmental, discreet, encouraging and a fantastic listener. 
(Better than any of the doctors I’ve seen, and that is MANY). 
She has helped me discern many things concerning where to go to get further help or help me realize what to stop seeking that is not helping my situation. By the time we are done talking, I have a much more clear plan of what I am going to do to help my situation and I am more calm about it all.  
- Katherine in Georgia

Amy opened my eyes to understanding the body is MADE to be used and I am stronger than my diagnosis made me feel. 

After years of being told “don’t push it” and “let’s see what happens” BEFORE I got back into a normal exercise routine I was so afraid I would never be able to exercise the way I wanted to again. Amy opened my eyes to understanding the body is MADE to be used and I am stronger than my diagnosis made me feel. I can decide how much pain is ok, and that I decide how much I can move on any given day.

-Chrissy in Texas

I know that she is a fantastic person to work with

Amy is an incredibly genuine, knowledgeable, and kind individual who has overcome so much against all odds and is now devoting herself to helping others! I am so happy to know Amy and I know that she is a fantastic person to work with for those who are deeply affected by their pain.

– Brendan P. Doctor of Physical Therapy in Virginia

Before I joined I didn't think I needed another program or course but I quickly realised that this had was what I was  missing: 

Before I joined I didn't think I needed another program or course, as I spent the last few years learning anything I could get my hands on on the science of pain and ways to manage it. I'd built up a huge toolkit of things that helped me, and made a lot of progress on my own. But as soon as I started sharing here in the group and felt the support of Amy and the others, I realised that that was what I had been missing: support and connection.

I'm now about 6 weeks into the group coaching program with Amy and an amazing group of powerful, funny, smart, kind and caring women and it has been incredibly healing so far.  Every time someone has an a-ha moment, it ripples through the group and helps the others move forward as well.

In my experience, healing isn't just about understanding science, pacing and graded activity, it is also about being heard and hearing others, sharing stories, and seeing your goodness and strength reflected by others. 

On top of that Amy is an incredibly gifted and compassionate coach who really knows her stuff, so you are in good hands 🙂 And yes, I am super biased! 

-Margot in The Netherlands
We will look at the 6 pillars needed to tame your pain and learn to move beyond it.


Unit 1 You Are Not Your Pain: My story is broken, can you help me fix it?

  • Investigate your unique journey that creates a path, we will explore that journey for understanding. 
  • Learn the power of journaling to uncover unconscious thoughts and beliefs about pain stopping you from moving forward. 
  • Explore the potential of Narrative Medicine to validate and heal our suffering. 

Unit 2 Science Simplified: The anatomy of pain and why we hurt.

  • Neuroplasticity explained: The power you have to change your pain
  • ​Reduce suffering and disability through learning the essential information about why we hurt.
  • ​Create an inventory of contributors to your pain so you can tame them

Unit 3 Surviving & Thriving: How to stay sane when pain flares up.

  • The truth about pain flares
  • ​The power of choice
  • ​How to create your own flare plan that does not have to include going to the ER. 

Unit 4 Building Movement Up: From where you are to where you want to be with ease and confidence.

  •  Simple step by step process to start exercising/ moving again
  •  Easy to follow formula to take the fear out of increasing activity
  •  Discover the secrets elite athletes use to improve performance, and we can too

Unit 5 Taming the Crazy: Dealing with fear, worry, anxiety & unwanted thoughts from dealing with pain. 

  •  Retrain your brain
  •  Practice shifting thoughts that no longer serve you in your journey to move beyond pain.
  •  Learn to rein in the avalanche of thoughts that often hold us hostage

Unit 6 Oh the Places You’ll Go: Returning to a life you love.

  •  The power of “no”
  • ​3 non negotiables to living a life you love
  •  Living, no longer existing

OK, How Much Is My Investment ?

I've seen so many people struggle with conventional treatments for persistent pain without any real guidance or support. If you never figure out this stuff out, you stay stuck, a bystander in your own life. 

I don't want you to stay small. That's why I have chosen to revamp this class to fit your time and financial needs.  I want it accessible to everyone.  

A 3 week pain management program through major hospitals costs $47,000. I am offering you 6 months of the same information and far more support for pennies on the dollar compared to those programs. 

I want you to regain your life. 

This is less than a 25.00 co-pay per session. With far more support than any medical visit. I have been told I am insane for offering this program at such a low cost, they have said you can sell this information and support for $10,000 dollars and it would be worth every penny.  

The reality is they are right. But even more important to me that that is that YOU can afford to access the support, accountability and information! 

I want you to be able to invest in yourself and your ability to live better. This is a small investment in yourself that will pay huge dividends in your future. 

Enroll in 
Moving Beyond Pain Today
8 installments of 500.00

My Promise to You

In my two decades suffering from chronic pain, I know the risk you take trusting in "another" fix. I understand the fear of being taken for a ride or being burned, again. I do not want that for you. I am so confident this program will help you live a larger and more meaningful life that there is no money back. This program will only be helpful to those that are committed to showing up and doing the work. If you are struggling and need more guidance, you simply need to tell me and we will adjust to fit your needs. You will not fail if you participate, you WILL move beyond your pain into a larger life.  I promise your investment will NOT go to waste.  We will work together and I will support you into a better place. This is my promise to you. 
Here is how it will work:  
When you join....
  •  You'll be joining a five month virtual program with online coaching and a group of peers there to support you.
  •  ​​​You'll receive two sessions a week, one dedicated to teaching and one dedicated to support of what you learned and how to implement those teachings into your growing life.
  • ​You'll have access to Amy weekdays from 8 AM - 5 PM via Facebook Messenger, and on weekends she'll respond as she is able.
  • ​ You'll have worksheets and assignments to help prevent the information from growing stale and to keep you motivated.
  • ​You'll gain the opportunity to develop friendships and support groups with people just like you who are ready to take their lives back.
  • ​Most importantly, you'll be taking the most difficult step in the path to reclaiming your life - the first one.
Time and Money SaveD
Hi, I'm Amy
I can't even tell you how much time and money I have spent in the last 28 years on medical visits, imaging, physical therapy and endless tools and gurus, not to mention all the classes, books, and education to be able to understand the biology, psychology and sociology of my pain.

After all the money and time spent, I never moved forward from where I started. I finally had enough and decided to take my life back into my own hands.

You don't have to waste money and time like I did… because this program will walk you through step by step what you need to know to being in charge of your own pain, exercise and treatment plan.

  • BONUS #1: MBP Private Facebook Community (forever access)
  • ​BONUS #2: MBP Weekly Accountability (Google Form)
  • ​BONUS #3: 60 minute private 1:1 session during week 10 of the program 
  • ​BONUS #4: 90 minute special session" "Exploring Our Meaning of Pain and Fear
  • BONUS #5: Digital Journal: "Uncovering You: 52 weeks of Journal prompts designed to lead you out of pain and back to you."
  • BONUS #1: :MBP Private Facebook Community (forever access)
  • ​​BONUS #2: MBP Weekly Accountability (Google Form)
  • ​​​BONUS #3: 60 minute private 1:1 session during week 10 of the program 
  • ​ BONUS #4: 90 minute special live Group session "Exploring Our Meaning of Pain and Fear"
  • ​BONUS #5: Digital Journal: "Uncovering You: 52 weeks of Journal prompts designed to lead you out of pain and back to you."
SO, Let's Recap 
When you join Moving Beyond Pain... 
  • ​​You'll receive two sessions a week. for 6 months, one dedicated to teaching  (pre-recorded lessons) and one dedicated to support of what you learned and how to implement those teachings into your growing life. ($10,000)
  • Weekly Homework and feedback to help you move forward and keep from getting stuck. ($2,000)
  • Weekly Journaling Prompts to help you dig deeper with feedback to help you understand how to connect the information to your life.  (1.000.00)
  • You'll have accountability and access to Amy via The Private Facebook Group, or Messenger weekdays from 8 AM - 5 PM CST and on weekends she'll respond as she is able. (Priceless)
  •  You'll have worksheets and assignments to help prevent the information from growing stale and to keep you motivated. ($497.00)
  •  You'll gain the opportunity to develop friendships and support groups with people just like you who are ready to take their lives back for a lifetime. (500.00)
  • Most importantly, you'll be taking the most difficult step in the path to reclaiming your life - the first one. ( How much is that worth to you?)

    Total Value 13,997  plus a larger life 

Right now you have an important choice to make. 

Only you can make it. You can take action and try something new now and finally get the results you want, or you can keep doing what you have been doing and keep hoping something changes. If you know in your heart you need more guidance, more encouragement, more personalization and more support simply click the button below and I'll see you inside. 

Registration closes July  10th at 11:59 PM CST
...And Because I really do Care 
your most popular questions answered
What if I have to miss a session now that I have joined? 
All sessions will be recorded and available online if you are unable to attend, as will worksheets and assignments to keep you from losing focus. We all know how easy it is to slip out of new habits before they are formed, and we won't let that happen.
Now isn't the right time, will you be offering this again? 
I aim to provide services that help people move beyond pain and back into meaningful life, I firmly believe in this program, but I never know if I might find a better way, so probably... but I can't promise this program will run again. May I ask you  though, if now isn't the right time to deal with your pain, when will it be the right time? How long is it ok to exisit in your life before you start really living and enjoying it? 
Is this just about my mindset and thoughts about pain? 
In a word, NO! While we will talk about how thoughts and beliefs influence our choices, none of that matters if we don't have biology that has gone a bit sideways! There will be no toxic positivity here. If positive thinking was going to change your pain, you wouldn't be reading this page, you would be out living!
Can't I just figure this out on my own? 
Of course you can.  The purpose of this program is so you don't have to do it alone, or with as much work, but if you choose to go alone, you are welcome to do so!  You can always book a consult with me for ideas if you get stuck.  This program simply cuts down the cost, time and frustration of trying to figure out what you need without a guide.
What if I feel like the program isn't working for me? 
This is a collaboration; we are partners.  If you feel like this isn't working, we need to talk and adjust what we are doing! You should reach out and let's get you back on track, that is part of my job as your coach!

Why don't you promise us we will  being pain free?
Pain is a complex experience. There is no one in the world that can honestly promise you to be pain free. Pain is a normal response of the body to alert us something needs our attention. Clearly, chronic pain is a response where something has gone awry within the system. Long story short, anyone promising you to 0/10 pain.... they are lying and you should run. I have made the choice to be as  honest as I possibly can with you, and without magic powers, I can not promise this.  As much as I wish I could.   I can promise you will have all the things you need to live a life you love, to increase your joy and abilities. That, that I can do. 
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